The NOLA Grove accepts sincere male seekers who are 21 or older and live in southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi. A grove is a tight-knit working group. Therefore, we maintain high standards in the selection of new members.
We strive to provide a safe and supportive environment. Our grove is sex positive while emphasizing a responsible, ethical, and safe atmosphere.
Though primarily comprised of gay and bisexual men, the brotherhood is open to all of-age males. The grove welcomes all qualified seekers—with an emphasis on diversity, equity and inclusion.
Seeking initiation in to the Brotherhood is a stepped process. First we get to know the querent and he us. Once everyone is satisfied that he is good candidate, the postulant is brought in to the Outer Court.
The OC provides a series of lessons that form a consistent foundation of knowledge prior to initiation. This period of tutelage may take as long as necessary, but often lasts a year or so.
Following the OC teachings, if the Grove and postulant both wish to move forward, and with the Gods agreement, the postulant is brought in to the First Degree and becomes a full member of the Brotherhood.
You may also see more of the Grove through our FaceBook (https://www.facebook.com/minoanbrotherhoodNOLA) and Instagram @minos_typhaeus
If you have questions or wish to learn more, use the contact link above.
A listing of other groves is available here.