Temenos is a sacred circle set apart from the mundane world. In antiquity it denoted an area reserved for worship of the Gods. A large temenos is located at the Juktas Sanctuary at the palace of Knossos.
Silybos is Greek for “tuft” or “hassle” and inspired the Latin name for thistle (Milk Thistle Silybum marianum and Holy Thistle Cnicus benedictus) varieties of which are native to Crete and the Mediterranean. The thistle has long been a symbol of valor and courage. Historically they were used for vitality and protection, as well as breaking hexes.
Our name invokes the natural landscape of the mountains, valleys, and rivers of the Minoan islands. It also draws on our connection to Traditional Witchcraft with its roots in British and Celtic mythologies.
Within the Brotherhood each grove is akin to a coven in witchcraft and is headed by a Minos, Third Degree High Priest. Each grove functions autonomously within the framework of the Laws and practices of the Tradition.
Our grove is in the Eleutheria Line of the tradition. Our initiatory lineage traces a direct initiatory lineback to Lord Gwydion, the Brotherhood’s founder.
Ours is a mystery tradition. Our teachings are oath-bound, handed down from brother to brother.
Temenos Silybos is located in the greater New Orleans metro area and serves south eastern Louisiana and southern Mississippi. For more information, use the contact link above. If you are interested in becoming a member, please see the Seekers page.

Our Founder

January 28, 1947 – March 16, 1989
The God and Goddess are only happy when their worshippers are happy! Our Gods are Gods of Life and Joy…
The Witchcraft Fact Book, Eddie Buczynski